Bath & Body Works is launching a loyalty program called Bath & Body Works Rewards. On Aug. 22, you can sign up to be a member of this loyalty program for free. As a member, you get free products, early access to new collections, a gift on your birthday, and more.
We have some major news surrounding Bath & Body Works, and no, it's not about the brand's viral Halloween collection. The brand is launching a loyalty program called Bath & Body Works Rewards just in time for the fall season. It's a dream come true for candle, soap, and body-care enthusiasts alike.
Starting Aug. 22, customers can enroll in Bath & Body Works Rewards three different ways: on the new Bath & Body Works App, in-store, or online at If you're a frequent shopper of the brand, there are quite a few perks to signing up, which we outline ahead.
As a member of the new Bath & Body Works loyalty program, you'll have access to a handful of benefits. The first is a free welcome offer as soon as you sign up for $10 off a $30 purchase. You also get an exclusive sneak peek at new product drops and early access to sale events and new seasonal collections (yes, even the Halloween line), increasing your chances of scoring the items on your wish list before they sell out. For each dollar spent on merchandise, you get 10 points, and for every $100 you spend (or 1,000 points earned), you get a free full-size product that's worth up to $16.50. What's more, every year on your birthday, the brand will send you a free birthday gift to help you celebrate, and they promise to have "other surprises and delights" in store.
The new Bath & Body Works app, available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, allows you to not only shop candles, body sprays, hand soaps, lotions, and more from your phone, but it also has a special dashboard containing a rewards and points tracker, so you know when you have enough to redeem your freebie. This is the first time Bath & Body Works has offered a loyalty or rewards program of this nature, and we have no doubt it's going to be a big hit.
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